Virtual 360° is a good way to achieve Fitness

During the pandemic of 2020, the Alex Hart KAIZEN team responded swiftly, it was in the first month of the United Kingdom’s national lockdown Virtual 360° was born.

Today, we have members from across the globe who actively Zoom into the classes and train in the comfort of their own living space. Never before has fitness been so accessible for all. Our Virtual 360° group comes together with our class members in a Facebook group, where the KAIZEN team share tips and advice. Additional fitness classes are posted across the month, Katas for the grading syllabus, Life Coaching techniques and Nutritional advice for both the kids and parents and are available for the whole KAIZEN community.

The Virtual 360° members may be online, but they play a huge part in our community accessing classes via the Zoom.US platform. All you need is WIFI, a phone, iPad or laptop and a space to be in. The Zoom.US app is free to download. You can log in from the app or a web browser over WIFI.

We have a full Virtual 360° fitness program which incorporates: